One year on…

Today our little girl, Autumn, has her first birthday. What follows is [...]

It takes a village

Our lovely friends at gDiapers asked us to take part in their podcast series called "It takes a village to raise a parent". They interviewed us, asking questions about [...]

We’re taking over!

Our good friends over at gDiapers have kindly invited us aboard their Instagram page for a couple of days. Why? Because they're keen to share the real stories from the gMums and gDads who use their products. So, on the 27th and 28th of this month…

A model baby

A few months back, before our epic roadtrip, we did a series of photoshoots for our good friends at gDiapers. Neither of us is new to photography, however it was our first experience in professional product shoots, producing images that were [...]

Let’s get up to date – What are we waiting for?

I had a picture in my head of what our life would look like as we prepared to have a baby. In this assumed image I’d be starting maternity leave from a stable job, spending weekends decorating the nursery with my husband, buying adorable little…