Arriving in New Zealand after more than 3 years in the tropics was certainly a shock to the system!
So was having to make sure that we had warm layers of clothing for our little girl, who had spent her first 16months in nothing much more than the gDiaper pants.
Nature Baby aims for children to experience a pure and chemical-free world, so they make clothes using the softest organic cotton and gorgeous merino wool. No pink and blue boredom here either, their colours and designs are fun, interesting and fairly unisex.
As well as providing us with some beautiful snuggly warm layers and an essential sunhat for avoiding those kiwi rays, they’ve also let us trial their organic skincare baby soap and body wash. They smell so delicious that Rocket and Indigo are getting baths much more often these days!
Check us out on the Nature Baby journal.
Nature Baby website
Nature Baby facebook
Our collaboration with them: