Friends and family already have our personal email addresses, but you can also get through to us using the form here or on:
We hope you can appreciate that our time for checking email / going online will be extremely limited. Please do not add us to group emails / reply alls / forwards as these will clog up our inboxes and we don't want to be sifting through all of it while trying to cross oceans!
Please remember that if you haven't heard from us it does not mean that we have abandoned to the liferaft / been attacked by pirates / been smashed to bits by a hurricane / eaten by sea monsters. We're most likely to be enjoying our amazing surroundings rather than rushing to the nearest wifi hotspot.
A sailing yacht averages 5kts (5 nautical miles per hour). This will take time.
Please be patient with us.
And, if you should receive any emails from pirates asking for ransom, please give generously!
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