Just to let you know that I’ve just got through a backlog of updates to the site, mainly in the form of a whole host of articles that you may not yet have seen.
We were featured in Ocean Voyager Magazine’s annual issue 2019 with a piece called “Taking the plunge” all about, you’ve guessed it, deciding to start a family on board. You can find it by clicking here.
Another magazine from the USA, Cruising Outpost, has now reverted to it’s former title of “Latitudes and Attitudes magazine” and is still printing our stories. The three most recent additions here are “Greening the Blue”, “Selling up or sailing on” and “Fishy business”. Which can all be found if you click here.
Ocean Navigator magazine ran a piece of mine called “Lost in translation” in their July / August issue which you can get by clicking here.
And, last but not least, I’ve added a huge bunch of my regular monthly Sailing Today columns, which you can read here.