October 30, 2019
A bunch of updates
Just to let you know that I've just got through a backlog of updates to the site, mainly in the form of a whole host of articles that you may not yet have seen. We were featured in [...]
September 30, 2019
Return to the South Pacific
No, you didn't read that wrong but it doesn't quite mean that we're setting a course back eastwards either. A number of [...]
September 3, 2019
New money for old rope
I simply adore swap meets. The traditional car boot sale or antiques market in land-lubber life has always had a certain appeal but they are always plagued with the business of having to root through all the junk to uncover something useful. By...
July 1, 2019
Climate change
Cruising full-time has moments where you seem to go from one extreme to the other. It’s a feeling that I tend to associate with the weather; acclimatising to one set of conditions only to be [...]
June 4, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines
After the ghoulish curiosity for questions about storms and pirates abates, people are always interested in our engine. And it’s often with a tone of [...]
May 11, 2019
The Daily Mail
Following on from our piece in "Femail", the Daily Mail online (click here if you haven't read it already) we were contacted by the main paper to do a further interview. Apparently they needed a good news story to counteract [...]
March 30, 2019
A little update
The birth of baby Autumn plus our extended time in the UK have allowed for a little extra time for a few updates to the site here and there. This includes our favourite page, the "Photography" one, where some [...]
March 20, 2019
Extra, extra, read all about it!
So, apparently we are interesting enough to count as newsworthy... or perhaps it's just a slow news week. Either way, we were approached via our connections with Sleepyhead to do an interview which featured [...]
March 1, 2019
Row, row, row your boat
To row or not to row? That is the question. Getting your dinghy from A to B, from boat to shore, is an everyday occurrence for any liveaboard. But, although seemingly [...]
February 3, 2019
The squirrel sailor
In a floating world where self-reliance and ingenuity rule it pays to be prepared. Living in a state where both your plans and the weather can change on you is one thing and you never quite know what issue or challenge might crop up on a boat. But...
January 1, 2019
Bareboat sailing
Sailors like to get naked. After all your boat is your home and who needs to be covered up in sweltering layers in the tropical heat? Why not just [...]
November 1, 2018
What’s in a name?
Once you’ve been cruising for a while you develop a shorthand, referring to every couple or family onboard by their boat name. We get cards or emails to “the Adamastors” and we never take offence at it, although it’s a far cry from our much...
September 15, 2018
We’d get nowhere without fuel
Remember the fuel page on our old format website? Well this season's sailing that took us from New Zealand to Lombok, via all the islands of Vanuatu, the Solomons, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, saw some major sea miles and some long, lingering...
August 30, 2018
On seas, straits and selats
Although “sailing the seven seas” is a phrase referring to journeying across all of the world’s oceans it’s one that seems quite appropriate to our cruising this last year. Leaving New Zealand saw us passage-making across the edge of the...
August 16, 2018
In search of the big fish
There are certain experiences that are really best managed if you live on a boat. A snatched 2 week holiday gives you a set and finite deadline to fit everything in and, particularly when it comes to matters of wildlife spotting, you need everything...
July 28, 2018
Staying Afloat
Sail Magazine in the USA isn't one that I write for regularly but I've had a piece in the works with them for some time that ended up being published earlier this year. It's all about the [...]
June 26, 2018
Cruising Outpost magazine
The nice folks at Cruising Outpost magazine in the USA gave us a 10 page spread for "The coconut milk run", a piece all about your [...]