…You wait ages for one and then three come along at once.


The month of March is a bit like that for us and the publications we’re in. It seems that we’re everywhere this month. So, if you’re missing us in person, chances are that you can pop into your nearest newsagent and find us somewhere in there. Although, who am I kidding, I know that it’s really Rocket and Indigo that steal the show when it comes to anything about us in print.


In the USA there’s “Message in a bottle” in the March / April issue of Ocean Navigator magazine; “Things that go bump in the night” in the Spring edition of Cruising Outpost and also the annual copy of Ocean Voyager 2017 has a piece of mine called “Boat-themed-boat”.


The monthly column in the UK Sailing Today Magazine focusses on the intimate space onboard and is called “Cabin Fever” in the April issue. But you also may not have yet seen “Rub-a-dub-dub” from the March one, all about how simple bathing can be a tricky process on a boat.


Inside Yachting Monthly for April I have a piece called “Sail onwards or sell up”, documenting the choices at the end of downwind sailing routes.


And lastly, over here in New Zealand, we’re in Boating NZ magazine for March with “Sailing for the small fry” full of stories of our misadventures with the nippers on board.

Apologies for being a tad excessively prolific this month, it’s just how it pans out sometimes with scheduling and is somewhat beyond our control. All of these will be added to the “Articles” page as soon as they’re off the shelves so watch this space.