As I mentioned a little while back I’m currently working on the new edition of “South Pacific Anchorages” (see post here).

It’s detailed work, involving a lot of researching and scribbling, planning and reading and, above all, networking. We sailors are a powerful, global, floating network and by far the most enjoyable aspect of the work so far is reaching out for connections with fellow cruisers and asking their advice about various anchorages or if they have images to illustrate them.

Magazine writing, with a baby, while all living in one room on our building site in the UK. Living the dream…

And of course it’s tricky to get time to work solidly and consistently on documenting such a massive body of water when you have a 6, 4 and 1 year old about.

But then, these writings have always been snatched moments, little pockets for me to put my virtual message into a bottle and send it out to be read on screens or in magazines. So, I thought I’d share a few of my impromptu desk spaces that any email, article or, eventually, book of mine you’ve ever read will have been created at.

Tap tap tap, me again, on our terrace overlooking the rice fields in Panestenan, Ubud, Bali. This was a pretty spectacular way to be working on SPA.


The hat shows you how cold it is! On the dock in Whangarei, New Zealand, and heavily pregnant with baby no.2, I also happened to be inundated with commissions and I’m bad at turning anything down!


Mere days after the birth of our first daughter I have a deadline looming. This was the breakfast table at our hostel in Guadalajara, Mexico, where we lived for the first five weeks of Rocket’s life.


So many anchorages, painstakingly entered by hand into SAS Planet so I can review them one by one. But I do love it you know.

Now, coffee break over, and back to work! x

Sourcing images for SPA, just a few days back, at our desk-that-converts-into-a-baby-bed (hence the toys!) in our aft cabin, Lombok, Indonesia.