So, an update was promised and here it is.
After the shaky false start of Friday the 7th we were finally able to set off from Mylor the next day with a repaired alternator and a bruised wallet. We had a great sail across the Channel (no fog this time) with winds of about force 5 to help us fly along.
This was Adamastor’s first proper sail in who knows how long, not to mention our first real test on her. We all slipped into the rhythym of passage-making pretty quickly: nightwatches, keeping the log, trimming sails, making food and taking it in turns to feel a bit queasy (always likely the first day at sea).
We made good time in the Channel but knew that we’d be losing the wind as we got into the bay and the ‘sausage’ of the high pressure system. It was very much as predicted, the big bad Biscay that we had feared for months and planned much contingency around (e.g. ports of refuge, storm tactics, etc) was - for us - a mild pussycat of a thing. The real challenge of the bay crossing seemed to be not minding that we would inevitably use a lot of diesel.
However, I’d rather have Biscay too quiet than too loud and we did manage to sail the majority of it.
Now, the high pressure system continues and means that we are greeted with gorgeous sunshine and light airs all along the Spanish and Portugese coast - which makes for a safe playground for us to play in now that it’s just the two of us. The mild weather has given us an idyllic start for really getting to know the boat and her ways. Plus, for the first time in about 6 months, we’ve actually been able to have a bit of a relax after all the non-stop arrangements, logistics and planning not to mention rolling with the punches of the unending works to the boat.
Yup, life on board definitely suits us right now…