Our good friends over at gDiapers have kindly invited us aboard their Instagram page for a couple of days. Why? Because they’re keen to share the real stories from the gMums and gDads who use their products.
So, on the 27th and 28th of this month we’ll be sharing our journey with them here.
In case you didn’t know, our partnership with gDiapers began when our first boat baby was still just a bump. We’d been looking into how we were going to get the boat kitted out for our new arrival and it suddenly dawned on us that sailing with a baby was going to mean, well, lets face it, a whole lot of nappies. Committing to using cloth diapers without a washing machine and with only a limited supply of water was going to be a challenge but one that we thought was worth trying if it meant avoiding huge amounts of disposable nappies going to landfill.
The gDiapers range of cloth nappies includes bright solid and patterned cotton pants, which are all our kids wear in the heat of the tropics. They also make disposable inserts which can be flushed, composted (wet ones only) or tossed without any damage to the environment, so there’s even an eco-friendly convenience option.
That’s the thing about boat-living, you realise that the concept that you had on land of things being ‘disposable’ or things being ‘thrown away’ is somewhat meaningless. Just because the problem isn’t always in plain sight doesn’t stop it from being an issue. Once you’ve witnessed first hand the trash in the oceans and a beautiful beach dotted with disposable nappies on the shoreline you think about things a bit differently.
More than three and a half years since we started using them we’re still using gDiapers on our little crew and it’s because the system truly works so well for us. And it’s not only been a success as part of our boat life, we’ve used them on the road, camping, flying, even when couchsurfing with friends. It has really been that easy.
Which is why in most anchorages you’ll see us proudly sporting a fleets worth of white flags - which are really just the nappies drying in the breeze!